Many people their best friends are pets. When you have a pet, you have a walking pal, companion, and bedmate. Pets are loyal and love you in good and bad times. Also, they make us laugh, cheer us up and stick by your side. Hence, why most people become traumatized in losing a pet and go through a grieving process similar to losing a family member. If you lose a pet, it is best to get help for your mental, spiritual and physical well-being. Below are tips that will help you heal after losing a pet.
Create a memorial
Creating a memorial from cremated remains of your pet cat is one way to heal. Cat urns can come in handy to keep their memorial in and have it rest on top of the fireplace and you can have a picture close. You can also have this memorial in a pet cemetery, under a tree in your backyard, or on your mantel as a way to remember your pet. Also, you can find statues, garden stones, and jewelry to help you commemorate your pet on certain websites. You can have a plaque made with a picture of your pet and name included too. And you can plant flowers, like forget-me-nots, in honor of your pet, the best way you see fit.
Take time to grieve
Since a pet was part of your family for a long time, grieving them may take time. Therefore, accept it. As no one can tell you to get over it or to move on. Do not hurry or force the grief process as there is no set time limit for grieving. Also, remember grief comes in waves, you start feeling better and grief is triggered again. Simply by hearing their name again, having someone else lose their pet or your pet’s birthday.
Hold a ceremony
You can hold a party where people that know your pet can come together in remembering your pet. A ceremony is good to help you honor your bond with your pet. Plus, it is a way to express disappointment and loss. In this way, you will help start your healing journey. If you have children let them be involved in the ceremony and encourage them to put mementos or messages of farewell into the burial box. Also, they can plant a flowers on the grave to commemorate the ceremony of remembering their new pet.
Get the right support
When hurting you need to know where to turn for comfort. Most of the time, close family friends and best friends are the first people that you consider. But sometimes they may not understand and can ask you to get over it or too many other solutions of the same. This does not mean that they are thoughtless, is just that they do not understand the bond you and your pet had. For this reason, seek counseling in the right place, such as pet loss support groups.
Do not rush to replace your pet
Before you adopt a new pet, take your time. Although you feel the house has become empty and quiet, it is best to wait. Give yourself time to work through the loss and grief of your pet, as you may not be ready to start a fresh with a new pet. More so, if your emotions are still all over the place. Consider this, since you may end up resenting the new pet for taking the place of the old pet. The best you can do if you want a new pet, get one that is different from your former companion. Avoid a pet that is the same breed or looks like the previous pet.
Move forward
Although memorials will comfort you at first, when they keep your grief alive, keep them away somewhere safe. The beauty of it is that the memory you have of your pet will stay alive in your heart. Plus, part of the grieving process is to say goodbye and learn to let go. After some time, you will adjust to life without your pet companion. Also, you are not being disloyal to your pet by moving forward.
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