Cats are reclusive, mysterious creatures, many of whom suffer from significant anxiety and stress issues. The disorder is a substantial concern to the pet parents who scramble to find ways to manage the situation. In some cats, an anxious episode takes a great deal of commotion, but for others, the smallest transition can send them into a panic. Many owners search for varied treatments ranging from behavioral therapy to trying medications from a veterinarian, and some do virtually everything with no relief. Optimally, the consensus for parents is to have happy, healthy felines.
CBD Popularity Translates Into Cat Anxiety Relief
Cannabidiol or CBD boasts increasing popularity for human medical conditions, which results in their turning to it as a means of treating their animals for physical pain and behavioral problems. While there is a multitude of products for pets selling in various mediums (go here for more information), there aren’t yet scientific studies backing the claims as to the benefits available for our pet population. However, based on anecdotal success stories, it touts as being a type of ‘miracle’ remedy for anxiety deemed as safe if used correctly and effective
Methods Of Improving Anxiety In Conjunction With CBD Oil
It is vital when providing CBD oils to your cat that you have an actual veterinarian visit to determine this is, in fact, the issue. Allow the vet the opportunity to suggest what products would be suitable in the CBD family and recommend the dosage for your specific needs. A vet offers professionalism and experience with the oils to make an educated decision where the pet is concerned.
Skipping this exam and self-diagnosing the pet can be harmful or potentially life-threatening. There could be a medical condition that has not had a consideration. Merely suppressing the behavior does not offer the same benefit as recognizing, understanding, and correcting it. Once the vet has recommended the correct CBD product, incorporate some of these strategies besides:
- Offer your cat different hiding places, which is how cats cope with stress. Hiding is a feline’s attempt at feeling ‘invisible’ in their effort to calm themselves. There are a multitude of objects that can be useful most of which are primitive such as paper bags, cardboard boxes, cat tunnels, or enclosed beds. Follow to learn the benefits of incorporating CBD treatment with these tactics.
- Playtime for a kitty is more than just an effort to exercise and have fun. Neurotransmitters are of great benefit to your pet release during what you can deem as a therapeutic session. You should make a point of interacting in this interactive routine at least twice per day incorporating activities where the cat has a chance to pounce, stalk, and capture.
- As is valid with a dog, cats need to have desensitization to help with their stress levels in various situations. It is true of their discomfort with being in a carrier, when traveling in a car, around strangers, and when being handled. The training needs to be slow, gentle and always positive until the animal shows signs of ease in each situation.
- Always give your kitten a choice with any activity that you want them to engage in, whether it be play, affection, eating. If the animal is not up for a petting session and shows apparent signs to that effect, don’t force the issue. Forcefulness leads to stress and creates unnecessary anxiety in your animal. Pay attention to the signs you see. You’ll know when they want you to come close and when you need to stay away.
- Try to create harmony between cats as opposed to an inter-cat aggressive environment full of tension. Make sure there is no need for the cats to engage in competition, causing aggression between them. Please increase the number of litter pans and keep them in different areas, make sure there are an appropriate amount of sleeping spots for everyone, allow enough toys for each to have their own and separate food spaces.
- Cats love laying in sunspots or warm areas and up high on perches. Make sure to have these spaces accessible for them. Attaching a bed to the window will give them the benefit of the sun as well as allow them to check out the view. Being cozy is calming and relaxing for the feline. Learn here if using CBD in addition to these techniques is good for kitty.
Incorporating these tactics along with the proper dosage of quality CBD products will potentially assist you in calming the stress and anxiety suffered by your kitty. Make sure that you have the vet’s suggestion on which quality products are available to you along with the beginning dose. Typically, you will start very low and gradually increase to the desired effect. Try not to make too frequent changes to the kitten’s routine or their surroundings. Differences bring significant stressors for a cat. Felines are creatures of habit. You’ll have a happy baby if their world stays as it’s meant to be.
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