A dog is more than just a pet at home. It is that loyal friend that gives you and your family company and that warmth. That is why you should also reciprocate by taking good care of your best friend. Yes, you ought to keep your dog happy and healthy with proper care and routine. It is actually super easy! Here are a few tips you can use to be keep your best friend healthy and happy:
Play with your dog
It is crucial to spare time to play with your dog actively. It isn’t just fun. It is an opportunity to teach your dog some tricks and encourage good behaviour. For example, if your dog gets too mouthy while playing, you should stop playing the game. Your dog will learn that getting mouthy is discouraged and will stop it over time.
Playing with your dog also helps in providing mental stimulation for your dog. Mental stimulation for your dog is equally significant as physical exercises. While fetch or tug might seem to be just any other activity, they help maintain the mental health of your dog. And while at it, you will strengthen the bond with your dog and relieve your own stress!
Exercise your dog
Exercise is crucial for your dog in keeping him healthy and limber. It helps in alleviating any possibilities of obesity. Besides, exercise comes in handy when dealing with some behavioural problems that include digging, aimless barking and chewing, or even excessive licking. Your dog also gets to ease up the anxiety that comes with meeting strangers or staying in one environment for too long. So, how do you go about exercising your dog?
The initial step is to consult with your dog veterinarian and get to know the ideal weight for your dog. This will help you make informed decisions on how to get started with exercises and keep your dog happy and healthy. Generally speaking, there are a number of ways to do so. You can start with on-leash and off-leash exercises. For example, the off-leash exercises will let your dog move freely on a long exciting walk. It will leave it feeling fitter and rejuvenated.
Feed your dog well
It is common knowledge that pets need a balanced diet to grow and stay healthy. Feeding it with nutritious meals in the right amount will help him attain and maintain the correct and healthy weight. You should go for healthy raw dog food to ensure that your dog stays healthy, strong, and fit. Remember, to keep an eye on quantity. You don’t want your dog to be obese.
You should inculcate consistent meal times rather than doing it randomly. In other words, avoid giving random snacks or human food to your dog. The right food will also depend on the size and the breed of your dog. If you are a newbie, you should consult with your veterinary officer to establish age-appropriate diet for your dog.
Take care of your dog’s oral health
Proper oral hygiene of your dog is also key to its health and happiness. While this is a part of its life that many dog owners sometimes ignore, you must realize that the dangers that periodontal disease poses to your dog might affect its happiness. You can take care of your dog’s oral health by:
- Regularly cleaning them: you should schedule regular oral examinations as part of yearly wellness exams for your dog and cleanings with the veterinary dentist. Cleaning the mouth of your dog is crucial in preventing periodontal disease that can result in life-threatening infections.
- Feed your dog right: Again, feeding has an effect on oral health. For example, dry food tends to be better for your dog than soft food, especially what we love eating. The choice of your dog’s food should be such that it does not stick between its teeth, something that could hurt it later.
- Get a chew toy: Chew toys are designed to keep your dog’s teeth clean. Get the right non-abrasive balls or even chew toys to keep your dog’s oral health at the top while protecting him from harm.
Have your dog fully vaccinated
Dogs are not immune to diseases. They fall sick and, just like you, are predisposed to preventable diseases that can harm them. You should consult with your veterinary doctor on the vaccines that your dog should receive.
Again, this is based on their health status, age, and predisposing factors that could threaten their health. Vaccines are important in preventing such diseases as parvo and rabies, which can also pose a risk to you and your family members as well.
Show your dog love and affection
Just like human beings, dogs crave to feel loved, their presence noted and appreciated. There are numerous ways by which you can show love to your dog and strengthen your bond. When you are away at work for a long time, for example, your dog feels lonely. It craves your presence, and that is why it will run to you the moment you open the gate when coming in. The dog will certainly love to go places like on a trip to the shopping mall.
Dogs have a connection with humans. Hence, it feels happier around you and in your company. So, don’t leave it lonely. Tagging your friend along for walks whenever you can.
Give your dog belly rubs
Dogs also tend to love belly rubs. It is another way to bond. It will roll over on its back as a way of submitting to your authority. This way, your dog shows that it loves and trusts you. So, if you give your dog an affectionate rub or scratch, it will be a moment happier!
Wrapping up
Just like you, your dog wants to be happy and it is your responsibility to give it the best life you can. Ensure you give it close attention in terms of food, affection, housing, play, and exercise. You should also consult your veterinarian for advice and guidance on how to feed and take care of your dog’s health.
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