According to an American Pet Products Association (APPA) poll from 2021–2022, 70% of homes had pets. In the United States, 69 million households (or 70%) have dogs, compared to 45.3 million households with cats.
Dogs make loyal and loving companions. They’re eager to please their owners and make humans happy with intense loyalty and love.
If you’re thinking about getting a dog for your family, you’re in luck. This article outlines ways for first-time dog owners in taking care of a dog. Read on!
1. Provide Adequate Exercise
It only takes a minimal amount of exercise to keep your pup healthy and fit, but the amount needed varies depending on the breed, size, and age of your dog. A good rule of thumb when it comes to exercise is to make sure your dog spends 45 minutes to an hour outside—either playing, running, or enjoying some fresh air.
Be sure to always keep your dog on a leash, and never take them to a dog park until they’ve been trained.
2. Establish Healthy Eating Habits
It’s best to consult your vet to come up with an appropriate feeding schedule. You should make sure that your pet has access to clean, fresh water throughout the day. Feed your pup two to three times a day of nutritious, high-quality food, avoiding treats and table food unless it’s recommended by your vet.
You should avoid overfeeding or underfeeding your dog, as this could lead to obesity or malnutrition. You should also portion the meal according to size and activity level.
3. Create a Comfortable Living Environment
Provide them with a soft and comfy bed in a quiet corner of the house that’s away from drafts and foot traffic. Make sure your pup’s bed is situated in a place with no direct sun exposure, as it can be warm in direct sunlight.
Have a supply of dog toys and appropriate chew toys in their living area.
4. Schedule Regular Vet Visits
Regular checkups can ensure that your pet is healthy and that any problems are spotted and treated early. It’s important to also be aware of any vaccinations or other tests your dog may need. Most vets recommend that puppies receive an initial checkup at 8 weeks and then a series of other required exams.
Adult dogs should visit the vet at least once a year with older pets visiting more often. It may also be worthwhile scheduling more checkups or visits if behavioral or general health changes are noticed in your dog.
5. Show Affection and Understanding
Dogs are social animals and need and crave your love and attention. Speak to them with a gentle and calming voice, listen to and understand them when they bark or whine, and provide comforting body language.
Don’t forget to take them outside to explore, exercise, and get plenty of fresh air and sunshine. You may also want to consider getting daycare services for dogs so they to have fun and experience an enriching environment.
Taking Care of a Dog Is Essential
Taking care of a dog takes patience and love. If you stick with our tips, you’re sure to have a happy and healthy dog for many years. Don’t forget that a healthy pup starts with nutrition!
Choose pet food high in nutrition and feed it at the same time every day. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share your pup’s health journey with us!
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