Training a dog is a nice, but rather a meticulous job. You might lose your temper while training a stubborn dog. That is why patience and persistence are essential features for learning your dog with basic commands, but satisfactory results bring a lot of joy.
According to, the point is to make your furry buddy socialized and friendly to the environment. Learning some basic commands should be started since puppy age, as it will be more difficult as your loving pet gets older.
Basic Movement Commands
“Here boy!” is the first command that dogs learn spontaneously. They will react to the voice of the owner and instinctively come to him. However, the “sit” command is considered the basis for further learning. Dogs will usually remember it quickly. The main thing for successful training is a reward for a good job. This way, your pet will realize that treats come only after executing a command.
Use treats o draw dog’s attention. He’ll look at your hand and instinctively sit down. At that moment, you should say “sit,” and give him a treat. If the dog doesn’t sit down, do not push him down; pet his back, and start over. The point is to repeat the action until the dog figures out. After a while, you can take away the treat, but be sure to praise your canine.
It is desirable that, soon after you learn your pup to sit, you also show the “down” command. When the dog sits, put your hand in front of him and move down. At the same time, slowly move his front legs to the lying position. When it slides on the floor, say “down” several times. If your dog stays calm for a few seconds, reward him. Repeat this action until the canine lies down without help.
This command goes along with “down,” because your dog will remember it easily. Stand in front of your canine while lying and show him an open palm, while pronouncing “Stay.” Wait a few seconds, and reward him if he stayed down. Every next time you do the same, but go more and more backward and hold your hand longer in front of your pet. If a dog gets up, don’t yell or punish him.
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“No” or “Don’t Touch”
The success of training is evident when you control the dog’s disobedience. Dogs have instincts that are difficult to control, but not impossible. The “don’t touch” (“no” or “leave it“) command will show the dog not to touch things – your food, toys, or some things that can cause the dog to be in danger.
Place a dog candy in front of your pup while sitting. Take one more as a reward and put it away. Keep your hand close if the dog wants to grab the treat. Say “don’t touch” in a mild voice several times, and if the dog doesn’t touch treat for a few seconds, take it off. Reward him with candy from your pocket. Repeat the exercise several times a day, always extending the time. So your dog will learn that patience is a virtue.
Steady Walking
A controlled walk means that there is no need to pull the lash back, use a muzzle, or punish your pet. Most dogs are not thrilled with the leash, but they get used to it. It should be long enough for a dog to sniff around.
Put the leash only when your dog is calm. At first, hold your dog very close, right next to your leg. If there is nothing around that can distract your pup, extend the leash, and let your furry buddy explore. When it’s time to go, move slowly and as it approaches you, shorten the leash. If he starts tightening the rope, stop, and wait for your canine to calm down. Then you can walk again. If your dog gets nervous, better go home and start over the walking training the next day.
Not every dog will be good at training. Some breeds are quick learners; some are not. Dogs usually don’t deny obedience; maybe they don’t understand you. Be patient and don’t forget to give your dog much love and cuddles. They will return you multiple times!
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