When you are bringing a new dog into your home, there may be lots of things you need to think about – especially if this is your first dog. The more answers and solutions you can get sooner rather than later, the more fun and enjoyable dog ownership will be. So, with this in mind, what must you start thinking about and discussing with others in your home?
Dog Proof Your Home
How safe and secure is your home, and is it ready for a new dog? Are there exposed wires or lots of soft furnishings that need protecting? Go around your home and try to see things through a dog’s eyes. What looks interesting, and what looks like it could be edible? When you focus on dog-proofing your home, you save any unavoidable accidents from happening.
Focus on Toilet Training
Not all dogs or puppies you bring home will be fully toilet trained. In the first few weeks, you can expect your pet to have several accidents (this is perfectly normal). However, focusing on positive reinforcement and focusing on praise after toilet duties will help your dog learn just where they can go to the toilet and where they cannot!
Pet Care Is Essential
Your new dog will need regular annual checkups and boosters, and at some point, they will most likely need emergency care and treatment too. Having a vet or animal hospital on hand and local to you is essential. When you need help and assistance for your dog, you do not want to be rushing around trying to find someone to help. As your dog’s health is so important, you should focus on looking at local animal hospitals and practices, such as Salt water animal hospital, because this way, you can guarantee that your pet will get the support and care it needs (when it needs it). If you go further afield and overlook local animal practices and hospitals, you may find you are paying more and wasting more time traveling too.
What Will Your Dog Eat?
Not all dog foods are created the same and even produced the same, and this is something you will need to consider. When you are thinking about what and how you will feed your dog, you want to look at cost and, of course, quality. Compromising quality food may give you problems with your dog’s health later down the line, so do not do it. So, are you looking at a dry food diet only, or are you looking at a raw food diet? What do you want to feed your dog and why?
The Sleeping Quarters
Where is your dog going to sleep? Are you going to have a bed for it in the living room or kitchen, or is your pet going in a crate, or is it going to be sleeping at the end of your bed? For a dog, where it sleeps is important as it gives it security and reassurance. When your dog knows where it will be sleeping, you will be able to start establishing better routines with it.
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