Your time as a college student is likely to be the most exciting and important time of your life. Balancing studies, family, your social life, and maybe a part-time job can seem like too much on your plate. To be able to manage all these aspects and still get the most out of your college life, it is essential to strike the right balance.
One of the effective ways to achieve it is by incorporating a few of the changes in your routine that maximize your productivity and help you achieve your goals. Read on to learn five productivity hacks that college students must follow.
Make a To-do List
Your schedule is likely to be jam-packed, trying to complete your assignments, accomplishing high-value studies, and managing your personal life. To be able to manage all these things, it is advised to make a ‘manageable’ to-do list that you can follow every day. Without creating a list or creating a calendar, you’re indirectly preparing yourself for a lot of stress and missed deadlines.
Turn Off Distractions
It is easier for college students to get into a rut of constant distractions in the name of studying. Students who take online classes might find it hard to draw the line between using their phone for studying and hopping over social media platforms and sliding into watching reels and YouTube videos. So, make sure you turn off all distractions while working.
Ditch Hard Work; Use Shortcuts
Gone are the days when students used to complete their writing assignments by themselves. In today’s digital era, where tech tools have taken over everything, it is smarter to use shortcuts for doing things. For instance, if you are required to make a PDF for your presentation and you have to edit at the last minute (for example, you need to change its font to make it more presentable) – instead of making a new PDF, you should know how to embed your fonts in a PDF. You can do it by using a PDF editor.
Use the Pomodoro Technique
The Pomodoro technique is an excellent way of time management. In this technique, you have to work dedicatedly within the time available. Simply put, it breaks your work schedule into 25-minute sessions, each starting after a five-minute break. These combined work-break sessions are called Promodorors. Following this technique creates a sense of urgency and allows you to finish your work within a specific time frame.
Take Necessary Breaks
The most important factor in boosting your productivity is taking frequent breaks. There’s no point in working continuously when your brain and body are exhausted to a point where you are finding it hard to concentrate. Whether you’re taking an online class, self-studying, or are in a group study session – make sure to take breaks and allow your mind to get refreshed and bounce back stronger.
Let’s take a Recap
College students can find it challenging to strike a balance between their college life and personal life. While each student has their own way of handling things, following the above-mentioned hacks will allow you to boost your productivity along with enjoying other areas of life.
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