Having a pet that has a hard time walking or getting up from one spot really is hard. It is hard on them as well as for us to watch our dogs not be able to move around as much as they once could. This is what it looks like when dogs get arthritis. Scanning online and understanding what arthritis is and how it effects our dogs allows us to find ways to treat their symptoms.
What is Arthritis?
Arthritis in dogs is very common effecting one in four dogs. All forms of arthritis cause inflammation of joints which cause pain and stiffness. The most common found in dogs is Degenerative Joint Disease which happens due to degeneration of cartilage in the joints.
Cartilage is a tissue that is firm and flexible and is a natural shock absorber in the joints. As this tissue degenerates it cause less absorption of shock causing the shock to be absorbed by bones. This cartilage also is a barrier between the bones so that they don’t rub; as this is lost the bones will rub more.
Loss of cartilage usually happens from age and is more commonly seen in dogs who are older. Sometimes the degeneration starts due to injuries and infections and can start in younger dogs as well.
Common symptoms your dog may have if they have arthritis are limping when moving around, stiffness which can be notice when dogs stand up after lying. Other symptoms are slowness when getting up or laying down, not wanting to go on walks or jumping activities. Dogs will also have less mobility and possibly excessive panting and sleeping more than usual.
If your dog has arthritis it will put on weight as time goes by due to having less activity. The weight gain will also cause more harm to your dog’s body structure as well as the arthritis because it will be more weight on the bones. Having more weight on the bones will cause even more pain for the dog. It is important to pay close attention to your dog’s weight and this could also be a sign of arthritis if it has not been diagnosed yet.
Treatments for Arthritis in Dogs
There are many medications available for dogs who suffer from arthritis, however just as with human medication most have possible side effects that can make it seem like the medication is not worth the risk.
Alternative routes to help pets with arthritis may be something worth considering. CBD oil has been helping many dogs with different ailments for a while now. It is still being researched but so far, the side effects are much better looking than those of the pharmaceutical drugs.
CBD Oil as Treatment
Studies show that CBD oil has a powerful pain relieving and anti-inflammatory effect. CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system to help reduce inflammation and pain. When the CBD helps with inflammation the pain will ease as pain is most commonly associated with the inflammation.
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