Dog owners know that their furry friends are full of quirks. Whether it’s the thumping tail, floppy ears, or goofy, lopsided grin, man’s best friend is continuously making us laugh our heads off!
In the pet industry, there are so many fun facts that you may or may not be aware of! Below, we’ve included a list of the ten most impressive, albeit wacky, fun facts about dogs.
Your Dog’s Wet Nose Helps Absorb Scent Chemicals
You often look to your dog’s wet nose to determine whether or not they’re dehydrated, but did you know it serves another purpose? In fact, a dog’s wet nose is purposely designed to help absorb scent chemicals.
Scientifically, a dog’s nose secretes a specialized mucus that helps absorb scent chemicals. When dogs lick their noses, they’re actually sampling the scent to determine the smell!
Three Dogs Survived The Sinking Of The Titanic
Of all the passengers aboard the Titanic’s fateful voyage, three puppies were among the survivors! These dogs included two Pomeranian puppies and a Pekingese.
One of the Pomeranians was rescued by her owner, a first-class passenger who wrapped her furbaby in a blanket, pretending it was a baby!
Bloodhounds Have An Impressive Sense Of Smell
A dog’s sense of smell is far better than a human’s, but do you want to know an interesting fact about bloodhounds? Their sense of smell is so spot on that it has been used as evidence in a court of law.
To share even more evidence of how impressive a bloodhound’s nose is, they can follow tracks over 300 hours old for over 130 miles.
How Many Eyelids Do Dogs Have?
Unlike humans, who have one eyelid, dogs actually have three eyelids! Their third lid is called the “haw” or the “nictitating membrane” and helps with eye protection and lubrication.
This Beatles Song Has a Secret Frequency For Your Dog
Just like their sense of smell, a dog’s hearing is much better than a human’s. In fact, there are frequencies that a human can’t hear, but a dog can.
One of those frequencies is actually included in the Beatles Song “A Day in the Life.” In a 2013 Interview, Paul McCarney revealed that he added a particular frequency for dogs in the song so, next time you listen to it, pay attention to how your dog reacts!
Your Dog Might Be Faster Than You Think
You might not think that your dog is one of the fastest four-legged animals, but in reality, greyhounds can beat cheetahs in a long-distance race.
Greyhound dogs can run 35 MPH for up to 7 miles, which is an awe-inspiring feat! Cheetahs, on the other hand, can only run at high speeds for around 300 yards, so a greyhound would be able to pass by them pretty quickly!
The Oldest Dog Breed Is the Saluki
The Saluki breed dates back to 329 BC, as they were kept as pets by the royals in Ancient Egypt.
Some reports date the Saluki back much further; carvings of a dog similar to a Saluki were found in Southern Iraq, dating all the way back to 7000 BC.
Some Dogs Have Weird Tongues
Most dogs have pink tongues, but some breeds of dogs have different colored tongues! In fact, the tongues of the Chow Chow and Shar-Pei are black. And, even more interesting, the reason behind these black tongues is unknown!
And Some Dogs Don’t Bark
The Basenji is a breed of dog that doesn’t bark. Rather, instead of barking, they’re more prone to whining, screaming, or even yodeling! Keep an eye out on YouTube for yodeling Basenjis.
The Dog Who Made It Into A Star Wars Movie
Although there are no dogs specifically in any Star Wars movies, one of the most prevalent species was based on one! According to the Los Angeles Times, George Lucas modeled the Ewoks after his family’s pet.
Were you blown away by some of these facts? If so, it might just be time to observe your dog and see if they exhibit any of these exciting factoids. Who knows, maybe you’ll find a quirk unique to your dog, too!
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