Dog training is an involving process that takes time to complete fully. For the best training sessions, you will need a good trainer who can train a therapy dog. With a good trainer, your dog can learn some of these commands:
A therapy dog being able to sit when you command it to do so is important whenever you are out in public. There are many instances where a dog will have to sit as well as patiently wait, and having this sit command will ensure they do so.
Leave It
This leave-it command is important if you don’t want your service dog to pick up harmful stuff or get into things that they shouldn’t. When giving this command, you will have to hold treats in your one hand and close it, and then show it to your furry friend and say these words – leave it. If your dog ignores the treat, consider rewarding them with another treat from the other hand. Repeat the command regularly so as to reinforce it.
This command is important in a situation where you want your pet to stay put and calm. It is good behaviour, too, to teach them impulse control when they are around distractions. By teaching your dog to stay put, you will help them learn how to control themselves and look for you whenever they are nervous.
Teaching your pet to recognize their name will improve the communication between you and them. It will also help to ensure you get their attention. When training them for this, prepare a treat or a food bowl. Call them by their name and give them treats when they respond. Repeat this for several times.
This heel command will help to keep your dog close to you when going for a walk. During a therapy session, your furry friend will walk along with the patients they are helping. To teach them to heel, you will have to hold treats with one hand and walk with the canine friend by your side. Reward them when they stay close to you after saying ‘heel.’
Lie Down
Through this command, you will promote relaxation and calmness. It comes in handy when you want to settle your pet down in different situations, like when you want them to remain calm during a stressful situation or when dining at a restaurant.
If your canine friend has the habit of jumping on furniture or people, this command can help to deal with bad behaviour. When your furry friend has their paws on a counter or couch, hold treats and say this – off. Once they are down, offer them treats. You may want to keep those treats stashed in a convenient place so that you can grab one once you see the bad behaviour.
Training therapy dogs to respond to important commands doesn’t just make life a lot easier. It also improves your relationship with them. By teaching them to leave it, heel, stay, sit, and come, you will surely have an obedient and well-behaved companion.
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