It can be alarming when you suddenly see fleas jumping out of your darling pet’s fur. Then, when you check several areas of their bodies, some ticks are seeping their blood and making their skin itchier. You can read more about fleas in this link here:
For some pet owners, seeing the first signs of pests can be troublesome. That’s why lots of people are looking for ways on how they can effectively remove these pests before they get out of hand.
The excellent news is that if you are one of these owners, you can remove fleas and ticks from your pets. However, you need to be careful with the products that you are using, as some of them may contain harmful chemicals that can be dangerous to animals.
Note that when you see the first signs of infestation from your pet cat, you need to take action immediately. Extreme itching and rubbing on the new flea collar mean that they are not the only ones exposed to the pests. You and your family can also be in danger when the fleas make their homes on your carpets and couches. The whole family can be exposed without their knowledge.
There are some ways that you can do to keep the pests away from your home. Making your dwelling less inviting to these minute dwellers and bloodsuckers will make them avoid your house. You can start with the following:
1. Heighten your Dog and Cats’ Inner Defenses
Fleas act like other parasites. Their best targets are less healthy ones. You need to strengthen your puppies and kitties’ immune system by making sure that they get the right exercise, and they are eating well. The first line of defense is a boost in the immune system that can also prevent other diseases common to animals.
It is best to remember that diet is the main foundation of health. Most researchers believe that the best food for your kitty and puppy are biologically appropriate raw food. Most pet parents may be uncomfortable in giving raw food, but this is very important when you want to ensure the wellbeing of Bruno and Sassy. You can check out raw cat food at Nutriment, as they have a wide choice at very affordable prices.
You can start with high-quality and premium food that does not contain any preservatives. It is recommended that you should give branded meats, trusted bone meals, and other healthy food to your dog with the absence of by-products.
Some dogs may be fine with mixed dry and canned foods. However, in the case of cats, they need additional moisture so that they can easily swallow the food. It is recommended that they should only be fed trusted canned foods and freeze-dried fishes. Avoid corn, wheat, and other forms of carbs to make your cat stay in top shape.
Other recommendations are adding brewer’s yeast and garlic to your pets’ diet. These will make their blood less appealing to ticks. However, you need to check first with your veterinarian if your dog is sensitive to brewer’s yeast to avoid unwanted allergies or worsening of any itchiness.
2. Keep the House Clean
You can remove pests such as ticks and fleas in your home through deep cleaning. You can pay attention to areas such as couches, rugs, beds, carpets, and chairs to make them unwelcome to pest. There are three stages that fleas will develop into, and they are eggs, larva, and pupa. Some of them can stay inside on the carpet fibers, so be sure to vacuum these areas thoroughly.
You can vacuum the whole room and the baseboards. Pay attention to furniture, cushions, and other places where your dog frequently eats or naps. Vacuuming can eliminate about 60% of eggs and 30% of larvae every day. You should also always change the vacuum bags or place collars inside it to kill the trapped pests.
If your pet often accompanies you to car rides, you should also disinfect and clean the interior of your car. Always wash any beddings, toys, crates, and bowls of your pet with soapy water to eliminate the fleas and ticks. Read more about flea removal when you click here.
3. Defending the Outer Body
Most owners discover that a weapon that they can use against the war with fleas is the comb. This is a good way of determining whether your dog caught fleas from others around the block. The first thing that you can do is to comb over the fur. If possible, gather a bit of dirt and hair in the process. The next thing is putting two damp paper towels to press the dirt together.
If you see the dirt creates a reddish and crusty spot, these might be feces. If you comb in the tail area, you might even catch some of them while it’s early. You need to drown them in soapy water since the plain one will make them jump from it quickly. The daily combing process may sound very bothersome to others. However, note that this is very helpful to your loyal companion’s health and you are also protecting your family in the process.
Some shampoos and topical sprays can do the job. You can bathe your retriever daily and use premium products that are approved by your vet to kill the fleas. You can check sites that have the best resources in flea and tick control to know more about the safer soap and shampoo available. Some are made for sensitive pet skin, and some of them can enhance the coat or fur of your dog.
4. Sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth
To prevent any infestation and to kill unwanted insects, entomologists suggested that you should use DE or diatomaceous earth. This is a non-toxic substance that helps dry out the fleas regardless of the stage that they are in.
It is essential to use only food-grade DE, which is a kind of talc-like powder that is made from marine planktons. They can be available at your local hardware and seed stores, or you can order them in online shops. This powder is considered safe for children and pets.
When you are sprinkling this, you need to be careful that you don’t inhale too much of the product. Too much talc powder can do damage to the lungs. Wear a mask and take safety precautions before sprinkling this to the entire house.
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