Have you just brought home your very first dog but don’t really know how to look after it? Do you know the basics of feeding, daily dog walking, or cleaning up after it? Do you want to know a little bit more about what you should do as a new dog owner?
What breed of dog do you have? How did you pick it out? Did anyone give input or help in deciding which pup to take home? If so, what was their reasoning for the decision they helped make with you? If not, why did you decide on your own and how much research went into your choice?
It’s a big decision that will stay with both owner and pet for years to come. Why not find a dog that is best suited for your family’s lifestyle and personality type from the get-go? It can make all the difference when it comes to picking out a furry best friend! Here are a few tips for new dog owners to consider:
Research the Dog Breed
Before you get your very first pup you should do research on the specific breeds. For example, if you’re interested in getting a Goldendoodle, you can take a look on abcspuppyzs.com to learn more about this breed, its requirements and the kind of experience this dog will provide for you. This may not seem like it is very important, however, it is one of the most crucial steps, especially if you want to understand what might be in store for your future.
Oftentimes, dogs that come from breeders have various conditions that have been bred into them such as hip dysplasia, liver problems, and even breathing problems, to name a few. By researching a breed, you can learn about what potential future your pet may have.
This research can also show you how big the dog will be when it gets to a price, in addition to how much exercise it needs to get every day, how much brain stimulation it needs, and more, in order for it to live a happy and healthy life in your home.
Buy the Correct Food
As a first-time dog owner, something that you might not know is that different foods are better for different breeds of dogs. Some dogs require different kinds of nutrients and other dogs just require more food.
Buying the right food for your dog can be dependent on the size of your dog, the age of your dog, and even the different nutritional needs. Some dogs have illnesses which means they can’t eat certain types of food, and some dogs also have adverse reactions to different ingredients in the food.
When buying dog food, you should check the ingredients and make sure that they are safe to be consumed by your dog, as opposed to something that is just completely composed of fillers and chemicals that have no nutritional value.
Training Takes Time
Training is a big part of having a puppy and is something that you can’t skip. Training isn’t just about teaching a dog to sit and roll over or do other fun little tricks, but rather so that you can control its behavior around other dogs and people.
Training doesn’t happen overnight, and your dog won’t be a perfect angel when you wake up in the morning. Training takes time and has to be repetitive in order for it to sink in and for your dog to fully understand what you are trying to do.
Choose a Trusted Veterinarian
A vet is a very important part of any dog’s life, and there is no doubt that your dog will have to visit a vet at least once a year. Dogs, just like people, need to be vaccinated against various diseases in order for them to be protected, especially around other dogs.
Also, if your dog has a problem or gets sick, you will have to take it to the vet. By choosing a trusted vet, you will know that your dog will be getting the best care possible and that you will be given all of the information that you need. Choosing an unreliable vet can be dangerous for your animal and could end in a disaster.
Puppy School is Important
Last but not least, something that a lot of people don’t really think about, is puppy school. The beginning stages of training are important to learn from experts as a new dog owner, as well as how to train your dog in the correct manner in order to get the best results possible.
While training a dog may seem like something that you can easily do at home, puppies need very specific attention, and taking them to puppy school so they can be trained properly is one of the best ways to do this.
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