Pets know best how to show love and affection, and they understand when their owners are feeling unwell. Unfortunately, when they feel pain, discomfort, or illness they cannot say it with words or woofs. Instead, pet parents should notice any changes in their behavior, eating habits, or shift in their routine and hopefully notice any potential problems. Addressing health issues early can prevent illnesses that are even more serious.
Animals usually tend to avoid revealing that something is wrong, so it’s up to their owner to notice any changes. So, learning a few signs that might help you with this is essential, as doing so can save your furry friend’s life.
Look below to find some of the symptoms that should never be ignored.
Pet insurance
Before we talk about the symptoms, and how to prevent your pet from feeling discomfort because of health issues, you should know that pet insurance is essential for treating pets. With insurance coverage, you won’t have to pay a fortune to treat your furry companion if they ever get sick and require tests and regular vet visits. The cost of pet insurance depends on your pet’s breed, location, and others.
For example, if you live in California, you can search for how much pet insurance costs in California and compare different quotes to find the most suitable one for your pet. Note that most CA pet owners get pet insurance within 6 months of adopting because puppies and kittens often have a lower risk of developing health issues, finding the lowest rates. Your coverage must kick in before your pet starts showing any pre-existing conditions.
Symptoms you should never avoid
Loss of appetite
A decrease in appetite can indicate that your furry friend is having issues with their health. It could be early signs of an illness, so make sure not to ignore this sign. Especially if your pet has always had a good appetite and suddenly shows little or no interest in their food. They’re creatures of habit, so if you notice they’re not finishing their food or pushing it around, consider it a warning sign. Note that if your pet is not eating for more than 24 hours, you should consult a vet.
Lethargy or extreme fatigue, not being able to rise are not just signs of old age. Quickly get your pet to the vet for an exam, possible x-rays, and Lyme disease test. Untreated arthritis and Lyme disease can lead to a decline in your pet’s health. Other signs can include drowsiness, and slower response to visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli. Keep in mind that it may not be a specific indication of life-threatening illness, but it’s best to consult with a vet.
Difficulty breathing
Animals can also have respiratory and sinus problems. Note that some breeds with shorter snouts are prone to louder breathing sounds like French Bulldogs and Pugs, but they shouldn’t have a nasal discharge. If you notice heavy breathing, bloody nose, coughing, or gums and tongue with a bluish tint, it could mean a more serious respiratory problem. Dyspnea, for example, is respiratory distress or shortness of breath associated with the accumulation of fluid in the lungs. It could be alarming to animals with a heart condition as they may not be able to get enough oxygen to the tissues and muscles.
Increased thirst
This is especially important for cats as 3 of the most common conditions that affect them are diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and renal insufficiency. All of these conditions share a common symptom which is increased thirst followed by increased urination. Although these are manageable diseases, early detection and diagnosis are essential. If you notice an increased consumption of water in your pet, take them to the vet as soon as possible.
Bloody urine, diarrhea, and vomit
Usually, fresh blood in the feces can indicate bleeding in the rectum or colon, and the stool is usually black because of the acidity. Vomiting blood includes fresh blood (bright red) or partially digested blood. A bacterial infection or blockage in the urinary tract can cause blood in the urine (hematuria). Sometimes these symptoms can be indications of minor ailments, but they can also be severe or life-threatening. So, make sure you consult with a vet right away.
Final thoughts
There’s an extensive list of symptoms, in addition to the abovementioned, that should not be ignored by pet owners. Even if some of them don’t seem serious in the beginning, if they continue for more than 24 hours, you must consult with a vet and make sure your furry friend gets the best care. Remember, having pet insurance can be quite beneficial if you ever need to seek advice or help from your vet.
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